Vaping is, quite rightly, highly regulated to make sure products are safe to use. The EU has a number of laws that apply to vaping products. The main two are:
TPD stands for Tobacco Products Directive. Although designed to regulate tobacco products, the Directive also deals with vaping products.
The TPD requires:
- Rigorous testing for vaping devices and e-liquids
- Absence of harmful ingredients
- A nicotine limit
- Stringent restrictions on advertising
- Health warnings and consumer information notes

REGULATION 2008/1272
The Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP) is the main provision on labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures in the European Union.
The CLP Regulation:
- Applies to all substances and mixtures placed on the market, including e-liquids
- Provides consumers with information on the safe use of e-liquids.
- Establishes a list of dangerous chemicals that can’t be used in e-liquids.
- Ensures information on allergies, if relevant, is included on all packaging.